Summer Sunday School Starts on 6/11!

On June 11th, our summer Sunday school program will begin! Kids who have been in our Systems class will continue to check in at the Plaza and head to the gym. Then they will move to the Fellowship Hall where they will remain for the duration of Sunday school. This year we will be using the Konnect HQ from Open.Life.Church to learn about Maturity, Diversity and Learning from our Mistakes. Please come to the Fellowship Hall promptly at 12:15pm to sign your children out!
Remember: Students just finishing 6th grade are “officially” now part of the youth group – this means they are sitting with the adults during Sunday school, like the rest of the teens.

Adults will be in the Sanctuary working through the book Strengthening Your Marriage. There are extra book copies for purchase in the Bell Tower entry!  The youth group will be joining the adults for the summer.

(posted 6/8/23)