
Sunday Morning Options for Kids

Infants (0-23 months)

There is a Nursing Room available in the Bell Tower entry.

Worship Hour: Nursery (check in/out at the Bell Tower) – qualified adult and youth helpers begin teaching the littlest ones at BBC the love of Christ. Toys, books, and snacks are all available in the nursery.

Sunday School: Nursery (check in/out at the Bell Tower) – nursery care continues through the Sunday school hour

Toddlers (2-4 years)

Worship Hour: Toddler Classroom (check in/out at the Bell Tower) – toddlers learn some of the “big” bible stories of the Old and New Testaments. Each lesson seeks to teach students about the attributes of God.

Sunday School: Toddler Classroom (check in/out at the Bell Tower) – toddlers review the lesson presented during the worship service.

Infants and Toddlers are encouraged to remain in their classrooms during the Coffee Fellowship Time. This allows them to have their own snack time and reduces the transitions for our little ones.

Elementary Students (pre-K through 6th grade)

Worship Hour: Our kids sit with their families during the worship service once they are pre-K age (turn 4 by 9/1/2024). They will begin learning the songs and forms of worship at Bethany Baptist Church. We have incorporated a special Kids’ Time of the service that is just for them! Additionally, kids can pick up a “Kids’ Note Sheet” (along with a clipboard, crayons, and a pencil) from the bins in the Bell Tower Entry. These note sheets are intended to help our children learn to be engaged with the activities of the morning service.

Sunday School -“Systems”: Students will meet together for a brief time in the gym, a time of music and a large group lesson. Then they will be dismissed to age-based Small Group Classes for discipleship, application, crafts, games and more.  At 11:05am, parents should sign in their children near the entrance to the Gym, and should return promptly at 12:15pm to sign them out at the enterence of the Children’s Sunday School Wing.

Children must turn 4 on or before 9/1/24 to participate in Systems.

Wednesday Ministries for Kids

Infants (0-23 months) and Toddlers (2-4 years old)

A combined class of infants and toddlers meets in our Toddler Classroom to better allow parents to participate in the adult studies or volunteer with the Kids4Truth program. Childcare is available from 6:20-8:00pm on Wednesdays.

Elementary Kids (Pre-K – 6th Grade)

Kids4Truth at Bethany Baptist Church!

Kids have great questions about God. In Kids4Truth clubs, they will have great answers! Come learn with us!

Kids4Truth Clubs equips local churches, families, or ministry-minded individuals to reach kids worldwide through creatively and memorably taught doctrinal truth.

The Kids4Truth curriculum has a very defined scope and sequence. The curriculum is broken up into twelve key doctrines of our faith. Each of these doctrinal themes contain ten question and answers along with supporting Bible verses. The curriculum is available in four age levels designed to cover all twelve doctrinal themes. This knowledge is repeated and deepened in every level of learning in order to give these children a firm grasp of basic Bible doctrine and a solid framework whereby to base all other life decisions. As the child progresses through the four levels, the same doctrines will be studied more thoroughly and with the purpose of deepening each child’s understanding and appreciation of God’s truth.

  1. God’s Word – The Bible
  2. The Greatness of God 5: God’s Creation
  3. The Goodness of God 6: God’s View of You
  4. The Trinity
  5. God’s Creation
  6. God’s View of You
  7. God’s Law
  8. Jesus Christ
  9. God’s Gift – Salvation
  10. God’s Purpose for His Children
  11. God’s Work, Past and Present
  12. God’s Plan for the Future

This year we will work through themes 1-6.


Level 1 – Discoverers – An adventurous treasure-hunting theme for 4 and 5 year olds
Level 2 – Developers – A construction theme – building the foundation to grow upon for our 1st-2nd graders
Level 3 – Detectives – An adventurous clue-finding theme – learning to detect the truth for our 3rd-4th graders
Level 4 – Defenders – A medieval theme – learning to defend the faith, for our 5th and 6th graders


6:15-6:30 Students arrive and check in according to their grade level.

6:30-7:15 Song time, review of last week’s material and large group teaching time.

7:15-7:35 Younger and older students split up. One group has Small Group time – students will complete pages in their TruthBooks and work on memorization, while the other has Gym Time!

7:35-7:40 Time to clean up and switch!

7:40-8:00 Kids in the gym move to Small Group time. Kids in Small Group time head to the gym for games.

8:00 Students will be signed-out by their parents at the Check-out Desk located at the enterance of the Sunday School Wing.

** NOTE: Our youngest students, in Level 1, meet in their own space and run according to a different schedule.


Each week students will check in and recite memory work to earn “K4T Bucks”.  These bucks can be redeemed for prizes 3 times per year, at “Store Night”.  “K4T Bucks” can also be earned for Christian Service Projects, faithful completion of a daily Quiet Time, completion of K4T workbook pages and arriving on time.

Our program coordinators, Steve and Rachel Barnhart, have set the calendar for the year to line up with the holiday breaks that our local school districts observe. 2023-24 K4T Calendar
Kids4Truth Clubs offers free online daily devotionals and weekly Truth in Real Life moments snapshots.  Visit Kids4Truth Website


Our Kids4Truth program seeks to develop each student’s love of spending time DAILY in God’s Word. For the 2024-2025 school year we are asking each student to read or listen to the K4T daily devotional online. These can be completed individually or as a family!


Please submit our child registration form to save yourself some time on Sunday morning, or fill one out when you arrive.

Questions? Fill out our contact form.