Operation Christmas Child – Build a Shoebox!

Would you and your family consider putting together a shoebox for Operation Christmas child?

These shoeboxes, along with an introduction to the gospel, are sent around the world to children ages 2-14 as a way to tangibly demonstrate the love of God to children who have never heard the truth of the Gospel.

Where do I start?

  • Decide if you want to make a shoebox for a girl or boy
  • Then choose the age range you wish your box to go to (2-4 years, 5-9 years, or 10-14 years)
  • Pick up a shoebox from the church OR purchase a shoebox sized plastic storage container!
  • Fill your box with goodies
  • Include a letter – with photos if possible – from your family
  • Include $9 for shipping, if possible
  • Put the shoebox in the large carton in the Fellowship Hall at BBC

What do you put in a shoebox?

  • A “Wow! Toy” such as a soccer ball and pump, toy car with large wheels, solar powered flashlight, sewing kit with fabric, doll, fishing kit, etc.
  • School supplies – many of these children can not attend school unless they have their own supplies such as pencils, crayons, colored pencils and pens.  Please consider including sharpeners!
  • Durable plastic cups, bowls or plates.
  • Personal Hygiene items such as soap, washcloths, and toothbrushes.
  • Clothes that are size-appropriate and could be used in a variety of climates. (t-shirts, tennis shoes, or sandals)

There is a TON of information on the Samaritan’s Purse website including tips for creating fabulous shoe boxes, things to avoid including, and more!

Stay tuned for more opportunities with Operation Christmas Child — packing parties are scheduled for 11/7 and 11/9, and there will be sign-up lists for collection week as well!

(posted 10/22/18)