Additional Reopening Considerations

As we move forward with in-person worship, we pray that you will continue to focus on the UNITY of the Body of Christ.  May we each continue to “look carefully how to walk”, “be filled with the spirit”, “give thanks”, and “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:15-25).

Regarding the service this Sunday, 6/28, there are a few things that we want to make you aware of:

  • There will be a Masks-Only Worship Area in the Youth Room. This will be an area for families and individuals to meet for worship at 9:30am with others who are being careful to wear masks at all times. Anyone choosing to sit in this area MUST wear a mask. As was the case last week, masks are encouraged but not required in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. So, mask-wearers are welcome in any of our Worship Areas. The Masks-Only Worship Area can be accessed via the back door to the Youth Room, off of the deck.

Thank you for your patience and continued help as we minister to each other and provide a good testimony to our neighbors.

(edited 6/8/20)