The BBC leadership plans to adapt our Family Life Service to make this important time of “Body Living” more accessible to our younger families. We hope that these changes will benefit everyone, and that you will be patient as we work out the details of this new plan!
Starting Sunday, March 15th FLS will look entirely new while continuing to include the same elements of worship, fellowship, prayer and teaching.
The service will begin promptly at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, located downstairs. We will sing and have a time of prayer, before eating at 6:00pm. Following the meal there will be a shorter time of teaching and a final song. The service will conclude at or before 7:00pm.
Toddlers up to 4 years old may be dropped off at 5:30pm in the gym. Please come get them you are dismissed for the meal.
Grade school children 5 years thru 6th grade will be dismissed after the meal for some organized games during the teaching time.
Teens will be allowed some organized time in the gym following the close of the teaching time.
Time in the gym MUST be supervised by two adults. Please note, the children’s time in the gym is dependent upon getting enough volunteers.
(posted 3/9/20)