Missionary Update: Patrick McLean

Returning from Annual Meeting in Nome.


Here is an excerpt from Patrick’s recent newsletter:

“It has been a long winter here, but spring is finally breaking through. We are experiencing some warmer weather and a lot of snow melting. You know it’s spring in Hooper Bay when ‘the birds start flying’, and that they are! Spring seal and walrus hunting are coming to a close and high school graduation was last weekend! The ‘fish will be swimming soon’, as they say here.

These last couple months have been pretty busy with traveling and flying…probably the most flying I have done in one month in a while, so I’m putting the plane and hangar and the new door to good use… For those of you who pray for my safety as I fly and snow machine all over western Alaska, thank you!! Our God is so faithful.”

Also, Patrick’s plane is in need of some much needed refurbishing.  See the information below for what SEND North is planning for this airplane:

“Just a quick update.  As of today, ALL of the funds have come in for the Cherokee 6 airplane rebuild and upgrade project.  Praise the Lord!  Thank you to all of you who have given to this project and for those who have been praying.  God is good.  Have a blessed day!”
(emailed on 5/14/18)
Contact Jasen Stephan or Paul Bergstrom with any questions you might have about Patrick or how to encourage him.