Sign-up to Help the Salos

Check out the board of sign-up sheets with opportunities for serving the Salo family.  There are opportunities to help with meals, transportation, gift cards, snow removal and more!  The sign-up board can usually be found in the back of the sanctuary or near the...

Small Groups this Sunday!

Sunday October 14 will be the next meeting of our small groups.  Check in with a small group leader to find out the details for Sunday evening. If you are still not connected with a Small Group or want to check out another one, please take a look at our Small Groups...

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

If you have an Operation Christmas Child shoebox or supplies to help build shoeboxes, please bring them to the church! Shoeboxes can be dropped off at the tables near the gym.  Supplies for boxes can be dropped off in the large cardboard boxes near the main entrance...
Hospitality Team Needs Help!

Hospitality Team Needs Help!

The Hospitality Team at BBC is looking for additional volunteers to help with coordinating a variety of “hospitality” needs among our Body.  This generally involves helping to plan meals for families with new babies, those recovering from surgery, etc. If...

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes!

If you have an Operation Christmas Child shoebox or supplies to help build shoeboxes, please bring them to the church! Shoeboxes can be dropped off at the tables near the gym.  Supplies for boxes can be dropped off in the large cardboard boxes near the main entrance...

Men’s Breakfast on 10/6

Men, please join us at 7:30am on Saturday (10/6) in the lower level of BBC for a delicious breakfast, fabulous fellowship and a brief time of teaching.  Mike Bach will be leading our study this year as we look at some basic doctrines – such as the inspiration of...

Communion and Family Life Service

Sunday (10/7) we will share communion during the Morning Worship Service (9:30am) and then we will return to BBC at 6:00pm for a Family Life Service…with dinner following at 7:00pm. Please consider joining us for these two special times of worship and...

TEENS: Hike at Estivant Pines on 10/6

  Students grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a hiking adventure at Estivant Pines in Copper Harbor.  Be at the church around 10:30am with your permission slip!  Click here (then scroll down until you see the info on the Hike!) for more details on this event!...